Grads & Dads

June is a busy month.  Two birthdays, lots of parties, summer camps starting and of course Grads & Dads!

So here are a couple of ways to take items from Goodwill and make them into gifts for those June celebrations.

I knew that I had my own graduation in June so I started buying for those other graduates that I knew were coming up and what I looked for were FRAMES!  I know, I know… I’ve said frames are good for Mother’s Day too, but really frames are a quick, cheap gift item that you can throw into a combination gift-basket to help add that little UMPH to the whole of the gift.  Or sometimes the frames are the entire present themselves, especially if they have great sayings on them like this one below…

The brand-new from Macy’s (with a Macy’s gift sticker on the bottom!) “WISH like a child” frame was a perfect statement for one of my classmates and was only $2.99 @ the Shoreline Goodwill… and the other classmate is a parent, and as a parent I know that fridge magnet-frames (picked up as a pack from the Olympia Goodwill) are always welcome so I paired that with the little pink art pin I also picked up @ the Seattle Dearborn Goodwill for $1.99.

The other big holiday this month, Father’s Day, was a bit harder to buy for so I had to improvise here.  I purchased this awesome brand-new classic cocktail shaker at the Bellevue Goodwill last month (during my Mother’s Day shopping trip) for only $4.99!  It has great classic cocktail recipes on it like “Manhattan”, “Old Fashion” and “White Russian” so I paired it with what else?  A bottle of Bourbon & a bottle of bitters, oranges, lemons and some Maraschino cherries so our Dad can try out a couple of the recipes first hand!

Yes, I did end up buying something else (the bottle of Bourbon and bitters) that was not from the Goodwill, but I consider alcohol a “food/beverage” item and Goodwill absolutely does NOT sell alcohol BUT, it is nice to know you can get almost anything else you need for your Grad or Dad from a Goodwill store!

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